Friday, November 27, 2009

Return to Shilin Night Market

We went back to Shilin Night Market with Shu-Min. He drove and we parked in an underground garage below a huge gaming arcade.
We climbed the stairs and were surrounded by the pounding music of video games and bowling. Yup, we found a bowling alley two levels underground.

This leather and day-glow place is definitely a different type of alley than I used to bowl in...and check out those crazy basketball striped bowling balls. I had to check twice to make sure there were actually finger holes in the balls and that they weren't just tossing real basketballs down the lanes.

Here a crowd shot up on the surface.

We stopped and got a chicken steak...kind of like a whole chicken pounded flat and then batter coated and deep fried. It was enough for all three of us but Shu-Min didn't want that. He wanted sausages and later on we go that too.

We also went back to the drink place and this time I had a grape juice drink. It was real grape juice...right down to the crushed seeds in the mix.

Another crowd scene on another street in another part of the market. Chunnan and I spend more than two hours here last week, but in a matter of minutes Shu-Min led us to areas of the market we had missed. Another two hours and I don;t think we duplicartedmore than part of one street from our first trip. This place really is BIG.

We stopped for noodle near the end and this vendor across the alley caught my attention with the bright foods and sizzling cooker in her stall.

Today, Saturday, we're going back to the Jade Market to look for a few things for a game I literally dreamed up several nights ago and then we're going to the Taiwan Consumer Electronics Show. Maybe we'll see the new gadgets and gizmos that will be all the rage next year.

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