Saturday, November 14, 2009

Joy, Conia & Gina

We're heading out to dinner with the extended family in just a few minutes, but I thought I'd upload new pics of Joy, Conia, and Gina. Joy and Conia are in the first pic and Chunnan, Gina, and Joy are in the second pic.

After breakfast with Cher, Shu-Min, Mom, and the girls, we and the girls spent the morning and afternoon wandering though a plant and jade flea market. HUGE place. I have some pics I'll post later. Lots of food pics from breakfast too.


  1. So what's with the two fingers thing?

  2. The two fingers thing...I have no idea. Seems everywhere I see girls getting their pictures taken (museums, temples, whatever) the girls are always holding up two fingers. I'm thinking is an covert plot by the Generation Y kids to spread peace throughout the world by reinforcing the peace sign meme in the human zeitgeist. Or it could just be a silly girl thing. Who knows?
