Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Early Morning Wanderings

I awoke at 5am and spent an hour in the lobby playing scrabble on my
iPhone, then, as the sky was lightening, I wandered out to the beach
to walk in the surf and take some early morning photos. Here are a few
I snapped.


  1. I completely forgot about this blog until just now. Those are nice photos. What was that big wave breaking over? Is there a big rock there or something?

  2. Sorry for me to leave a message here. My name is Yuwen Cheng, and I was Chunnan's classmate; we both went to U of A years ago. I'm working as an assoc. Prof. in the Math department of National Taitung University (in Taiwan), and I'd like to get in touch with Chunnan. So, if it is possible, ask Chunnan to call me. My cellular phone number is 0921192821. Wish to hear your voice.

  3. Yuwen...I have given Chunnan your message ad urged him to call you.

  4. Mom...Yup, that's a large boulder at the surf line and the waves are crashing over it.
