Tuesday, November 17, 2009

National Palace Museum

Today we're catching the High Spped Train to Kaoshung so I don't have much time to relate yesterday's events. Luckily there are not many pictures to share from them. We went to the National Palace Museum and no cameras were allowed in the exhibit halls. :-( So, the only pics we got were from outside, in the cafe, and in the gardens. Still, the NPM was a wonderful place and it took us more than six hours to stroll through all of the exhibits, which, we were told, represent less than 10% of the NPM's holdings. The museum was created with the items that Shan Kai Shek removed fromthe Forbidden City in Beijing when they were evacuating the country before the communist took over.

One of the secondary buildings of the NPM. I tok pics of the main building last time so did not take any this time.

Tea Sandwiches, tea, and lemonade for lunch.

While the lunch menu was limited, the dessert menu was wonderful. Who tok a bite out of my Tiarmisu?

The koi pond was STOCKED with HUGE koi. Must be a raccoon shortage here in Taipei. All the fish food machines were empty though so they got nothing from us. :-(

Chunnan in the gardens at the NPM

Emperor Wang Chunnan I

The Dragon Fountain in the gardens at the NPM.


  1. You know the Koi are so HUGE because everyone fed them all the the food from the feeders!!

  2. I agree with John. It is beautiful there.

  3. Chunnan says they're probably trying to cut down the number of koi by starving them until they eat each other. Brutal, but I guess it could work.
